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Publisher IATI Organisation Identifier Dataset Count Action
Caritas Finland FI-PRO-139407 3 Download
Caritas International (Belgium) BE-BCE_KBO-0410644946 8 Download
Caritas Serbia RS-APR-17062603 1 Download
CARPO - Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient DE-CR-RA000220-VR9971 1 Download
Catholic Agency For Overseas Development (CAFOD) GB-CHC-285776 99 Download
Catholic Relief Services US-EIN-13-5563422 2 Download
CDAC Network GB-CHC-1178168 1 Download
CDA Collaborative Learning Projects US-IRS-562339052 2 Download
CDP Worldwide GB-CHC-1122330 2 Download
Cecily's Fund GB-CHC-1071660 2 Download
Center for Church-Based Development DK-CVR-12006004 3 Download
Center for Civilians in Conflict US-EIN-75-3130860 4 Download
Center for Development and Integration VN-MOST-A399 2 Download