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Publisher IATI Organisation Identifier Dataset Count Action
Friends of the Earth International NL-KVK-40535338 2 Download
Frontclear NL-KVK-60351489 1 Download
Frontline AIDS GB-CHC-1038860 3 Download
FSD Africa KE-RCO-155081 1 Download
Fundacion Acceso CR-RPJ-3-006-125548 1 Download
Fundación Avina PA-PRP-5789 2 Download
Fundación Fondo Mujeres del Sur AR-CENOC-16969-A 2 Download
Fundación Gaia Amazonas CO-RUE-8300033586 2 Download
Fundación Oriéntame CO-RUE-860049972 2 Download
Fundo de Investimento e Patrimonio do Abastecimento de Água (FIPAG) MZ-NUIT-600000381 2 Download
GALZ ZW-ROD-2172 1 Download
Gatsby Africa KE-RCO-CF2015185025 2 Download
Gavi, the vaccine alliance 47122 5 Download
GEF Secretariat XI-BRIDGE-6385676864 165 Download
GEMS Education Solutions GB-COH-07669775 2 Download
Gender at Work CA_ON-ONT-1783682 2 Download