The project outcome will allow the beneficiaries in the target country – especially women and youth - to have access to more diverse, independent and uncensored sources of quality information, that promote dialogue and inclusiveness of the society. Internews Europe will achieve this outcome by supporting local media, journalists and human rights activists the following outputs: 1) Increased and improved access to tailor-made telecommunication solutions in the provinces that are the most affected; 2) Improved capacity of the target groups to securely report, publish content and access uncensored content; 3) Increased reporting and awareness of Freedom of expression violations 4) Strengthened women’s political and economic rights and participation in post conflict contexts and political transitions. To achieve these outputs Internews Europe will provide direct support to citizen journalists, journalists and independent media actors through an intelligent range of activities that respond to both their immediate capacity building needs, and which create foundations for their longer-term sustainability. The project will gain increased opportunities to access independent information through both conventional and digital media platforms secured by this action; in-turn promoting inter-community dialogue during and, subject to future events, beyond the current crisis.