Interministerial Committee for International Cooperation and Development: A new ambition for development policy (8 February 2018)
This policy is partnership-based in that it intends to be coordinated with all public and private stakeholders including the State, local government, agencies in charge of development and international expertise, civil society organizations, international volunteers as well as higher education and research institutions and companies. In this regard, a great deal of input from national and local government representatives and the civil society particularly at the National Council for Development and Solidarity (CNDSI) on 14 September and 20 December 2017, chaired by the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, contributed to the preparation of the CICID meeting.
The CICID set out the objectives, resources and procedures for this revitalized policy.
It aims to make partnership-based development and solidarity policy a key objective for the next five years. It reaffirms the overarching objective of poverty eradication, the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement and the protection of global common goods. It covers five thematic priorities, namely international stability, the climate, education, gender equality, and health.