Publishers }
IATI Publishers List
Publisher | IATI Organisation Identifier | Organisation Type | HQ Country / Region | Datasets |
Atradius Dutch State Business | NL-KVK-33226495 | Private Sector | Netherlands | 2 |
Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities | UG-NGO-3329 | Academic, Training and Research | Uganda | 2 |
Australia - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade | AU-5 | Government | Australia | 5 |
Auto-Développement Afrique (ADA) | BE-BCE_KBO-0408095925 | National NGO | Belgium | 2 |
Autre Terre asbl | BE-BCE_KBO-0423588904 | Academic, Training and Research | Belgium | 3 |
AUXFIN Burundi | BI-NIF-4000742330 | Private Sector | Burundi | 2 |
AUXFIN International B.V. | NL-KVK-58076573 | Private Sector | Netherlands | 2 |
Avanti Communications Plc | GB-COH-06133927 | Private Sector | United Kingdom | 2 |
Avocats Sans Frontières | BE-BCE_KBO-0447404580 | National NGO | Belgium | 3 |
AVSI FOUNDATION IN UGANDA | UG-NGB-5914-129 | International NGO | Uganda | 2 |
AVSI South Sudan | SS-RRC-140 | International NGO | South Sudan | 2 |
AVT-L Association of Victims of Terrorism Lebanon | LB-MOI-853 | National NGO | Lebanon | 2 |
Awake Travel | CO-RUE-900619925-0 | Private Sector | Colombia | 2 |
AWEPA | NL-KVK-34106722 | International NGO | Netherlands | 2 |
Babawatoto Centre For Children and Youth | TZ-TRA-116315386 | National NGO | Tanzania, United Republic of | 1 |
Backward Society Education (BASE) | NP-DAO-DANG-18-046/47 | National NGO | Nepal | 2 |