Publishers }
IATI Publishers List
Publisher | IATI Organisation Identifier | Organisation Type | HQ Country / Region | Datasets |
Equatorial Power Limited | UG-RSB-80020000583761 | Private Sector | Uganda | 1 |
equileap | NL-KVK-65306198 | International NGO | Netherlands | 2 |
Ethical Trading Initiative | GB-COH-3578127 | International NGO | United Kingdom | 2 |
Ethiopiaid Ireland | IE-CHY-20041069 | International NGO | Ireland | 2 |
Ethiopiaid UK | GB-CHC-802353 | International NGO | United Kingdom | 3 |
Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association (EHPEA) | ET-MOT-020/4/007 | National NGO | Ethiopia | 2 |
Ethiopian Public Health Association | ET-CSA-1351 | Other Public Sector | Ethiopia | 1 |
Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association | ET-CSA-1128 | National NGO | Ethiopia | 1 |
Ethiopian Women with Disabilities National Assocation | et-CSA-0444 | National NGO | Ethiopia | 1 |
Eurasia Partnership Foundation | AM-SRALE-222.160.00823 | Foundation | Armenia | 2 |
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | XI-IATI-EBRD | Multilateral | Bilateral, unspecified | 2 |
European Commission - Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection | XI-IATI-EC_ECHO | Other Public Sector | (No country assigned) | 15 |
European Commission - International Partnerships | XI-IATI-EC_INTPA | Other Public Sector | (No country assigned) | 160 |
European Commission - Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations | XI-IATI-EC_NEAR | Other Public Sector | (No country assigned) | 33 |
European Commission - Service for Foreign Policy Instruments | XI-IATI-EC_FPI | Other Public Sector | Europe, regional | 119 |
European Forest Institute | FI-PRO-1993025-9 | Academic, Training and Research | Finland | 2 |
European Institute of Peace | BE-BCE_KBO-0550758080 | Other Public Sector | Belgium | 3 |
European Investment Bank | XM-DAC-918-3 | Multilateral | (No country assigned) | 2 |