Publishers }
IATI Publishers List
Publisher | IATI Organisation Identifier | Organisation Type | HQ Country / Region | Datasets |
Joshua Orphan and Community Care | GB-CHC-1114727 | International NGO | (No country assigned) | 2 |
JoWomenomics | JO-MSD-200159274 | National NGO | Jordan | 2 |
Just Associates | US-EIN-06-1597-668 | International NGO | United States | 2 |
Justice For All Prison Fellowship Ethiopia | ET-CSA-1327 | National NGO | Ethiopia | 1 |
Justice & Peace Netherlands | NL-KVK-41150792 | International NGO | Netherlands | 2 |
Kadaster International | NL-KVK-08215619-201210000 | Government | Netherlands | 1 |
Karuna Mission Social Solidarity - KMSS | MM-MHA-1/Local/0047 | National NGO | Myanmar | 1 |
Karuna Trust | GB-CHC-327461 | International NGO | United Kingdom | 1 |
Kathmandu Medical College Public Limited | NP-CRO-1158-065-066 | Academic, Training and Research | Nepal | 1 |
Keele University | GB-COH-RC000655 | Academic, Training and Research | United Kingdom | 2 |
Kemitraan Bagi Pembaruan Tata Pemerintahan | ID-KHH-6014052331100057 | National NGO | Indonesia | 2 |
Kenya Community Development Foundation | KE-RCO-C95110 | Foundation | Kenya | 2 |