Publishers }
IATI Publishers List
Publisher | IATI Organisation Identifier | Organisation Type | HQ Country / Region | Datasets |
Agulhas Applied Knowledge | GB-COH-04644326 | Private Sector | United Kingdom | 2 |
AICS - Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo / Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development | XM-DAC-6-4 | Government | Italy | 93 |
AidData | US-501c3-522318905 | Academic, Training and Research | United States | 19 |
AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa | NA-NAMRA-04413362 | Regional NGO | Namibia | 1 |
Aidsfonds - Soa Aids Nederland | NL-KVK-41207989 | International NGO | Netherlands | 3 |
AIDSPAN | US-EIN-32-0060251 | International NGO | United States | 2 |
Air Charter Service Group Ltd | GB-COH-02525806 | Private Sector | United Kingdom | 1 |
Ajuda de Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povo (ADPP) | mz-moj-64vq1 | National NGO | Mozambique | 1 |
Akili Dada | KE-NCB-218051200602584403 | National NGO | Kenya | 1 |
Akina Mama wa Afrika | UG-NGO-3580 | International NGO | Uganda | 4 |
Aktis Strategy Ltd | GB-COH-08327972 | Private Sector | United Kingdom | 6 |
Akvo Foundation | NL-KVK-27327087 | International NGO | Netherlands | 2 |
Alcis Holdings Limited | GB-COH-5155300 | Private Sector | United Kingdom | 1 |
Alfalit | MZ-MOJ-203D | National NGO | Mozambique | 1 |
Alinea International Ltd. | CA_AB-ABT-203435797 | Private Sector | Canada | 2 |
Alinea International Ltd. UK | GB-COH-04481639 | Private Sector | United Kingdom | 2 |
Allergy and Asthma Institute Pakistan | PK-NTN-6110190392611 | Academic, Training and Research | Pakistan | 1 |