all funding itemised in the annual report but pending information on year 2 and year 3 payments from some grants in previous annual reports
IATI data updated: 2016-12-27 23:57:37 · No. of Activities: 164
Archiver Failed · (February 11, 2025)
Archiver failed to update package due to existing validation error. Please provide a valid email address. The email address "" should be for a mailbox that is regularly monitored.View Metadata · Download (210.1 KB) Validation URL: Check validation report
all funding itemised in the annual report but pending information on year 2 and year 3 payments from some grants in previous annual reports
IATI data updated: 2016-12-30 14:42:48 · No. of Activities: 151
Url Error · (August 25, 2024)
Server returned HTTP error status: 404 Not FoundView Metadata · Download (213.4 KB) Validation URL: Check validation report
all funding itemised in the annual report but pending information on year 2 and year 3 payments from some grants in previous annual reports
IATI data updated: 2016-12-28 23:15:19 · No. of Activities: 164
Url Error · (August 25, 2024)
Server returned HTTP error status: 404 Not FoundView Metadata · Download (222.6 KB) Validation URL: Check validation report