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This is the 1.4.1 version of the Level 1 product, of all geocoded projects from the Aid Management Platform (AMP) managed for Uganda. This dataset should be combined with the UgandaAIMS_GeocodedResearchRelease_Level1_v1.4.1_iati_v2.03 dataset when conducting research. It contains all activities that could not be converted to IATI version 2.03 because of missing activity-dates, while the other dataset contains activities that could be converted.

Additional Info

Field Value
License Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL) [Open Data]
File Type Activity
Language -
Recipient Country Uganda
Publisher Type Secondary source
Publisher Organisation Type Academic, Training and Research
Publisher Identifier US-501c3-522318905
Publisher Country United States
IATI data updated 2016-04-18 14:40
IATI registry updated 2025-02-16 23:08
Validation URL Check validation report


IATI Standard Version 1.04
# of Activities 253