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Transform Africa 2J Leroy House 436 Essex Road London N1 3QP



Our work focuses on the following key areas: Water and Sanitation - Transform Africa supports poor communities to have increased access to water through the construction of boreholes, wells and dams, and help them improve sanitation and hygiene. Livelihoods - Transform Africa supports poor communities to improve their livelihoods through affordable micro-credit loans, and training in business management and wealth creation. HIV and Health - Transform Africa supports communities to have increased access to improved HIV and Health services. Youth Training for Employment - Transform Africa supports unemployed young people to engage in gainful employment through micro-credit loans, and vocational and apprenticeship training. Capacity building - We work with members of the Transform Network to offer technical services to local organisations in Africa to enable them to improve their effectiveness and thus better serve the communities they work with. Community support - We raise funds and work with the partner organisations to support communities to find lasting solutions to poverty.

IATI identifier


Implementation Schedule

Organisations / agencies covered

Transform Africa (TA), UK (10%) Youth Development Movement (YDM), Sierra Leone; (30%) BIVA Foundation (BIVA), Uganda; (10%) Association for Rural Development (ARD), Sierra Leone; (20%) Bufumira Islands Development Association (BIDA), Uganda. (30%)

Timeliness of Data

3 months

Frequency of publication


Frequency of publication (extra comments)

Annual project reports

Units of Aid

Projects and programmes

Segmentation of Published Data

Per country

Data Definitions and References

Field Exclusions


Record Exclusions

Data that can harm the organisation's compliance with legislation including safeguarding, data protection or statutory guidelines



Other Constraints


Data Quality

Audited and verified

User Interface

Existing website

User Interface Website