Haitelmex Foundation A.C & Inc Respectfully, Administrador y representante Legal : Patrick Estime Representativa Latinoamérica ,Norte America y del Caribe Haitelmex Foundation A.C.& Inc: UNGM: 380187/ D-U-N-S 812917615 Is A 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization All Contributions Are Tax-Deductible. TEL USA(1) 772 828 8882 :Mex (5255) 4974-5196 Tel USA (1) 862-252-2598.
Development capabilities: Youth Education without Violence and leadership. and strengthening Capacities of CSOs Program: ABSTRACT: Although several civil society organization the schools are invited to address the problems of violence or conflict of interest, some cultural, organizational and management factors can hinder the prevention of violence at strengthening a culture in which the violent attitudes hamper development of a social business safely in the learning environment and innovation. The following profile is to provide a joint support collaboration or coordination to implement a project to integrate existing and urgent needs in various fields, through youth leadership and the constant transfer of knowledge for the development of rural projects and social intent on research and implementation of alternatives for development in balance with the environment. All this would be achieved by starting a youth project leaders training other leaders under the multiplicative effect TARGET AUDIENCE Search and retain volunteers and anticipate and assess conflict situations. How to find new volunteers: tools, resources and tips. How to welcome them and make them want to stay in the association? How to detect the risk of conflicts and manage them when they appear.What communication, what techniques adopted to defuse the conflict? WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES: Is to encourage young and civil society to participate in the entrepreneurial spirit; participate in the management of large enterprises, as well as competent and productive integration for people in the community. This project aims to train 1000 young and civil society each year achieve a professional for his country, holder of a technical culture, humanistic and environmental, with the ability to adapt and upgrade their skills to meet the changing needs of society and contribute to achieve high levels of sustainable development and to increase healthy lifestyles and quality of residents of communities in which removal. The purpose of this problem in the study analysis: It was to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention strategy to assist schools in the social ecology in all its complexity is a barrier; ability of non-profit organizations and public-private support of these overall efforts to promote non-violence and job creation partnerships.
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PROGRAM Search and retain volunteers and anticipate and assess conflict situations. How to find new volunteers: tools, resources and tips. How to welcome them and make them want to stay in the association? How to detect the risk of conflicts and manage them when they appear. What communication, what techniques adopted to defuse the conflict? Ticket (s): All organizations or members who qualify receive 80% as travel expenses for an amount of US Included Hotel, Certificate, Food, Formation.
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WHO IS DOES? public New consultant volunteer leaders and volunteers in charge of the conduct of one or projects with a team of volunteers · Business Leaders Organization and other · Marketing Vice Presidents, operations, human resources, IT · Directors and representatives of trade and customer service.
Units of Aid
WHAT WILL YOU LEARN? Search and retain voluntaries for Assessment and Anticipate and conflict situations. How to find new voluntaries: tools, resources and tips. How to welcome 'em and make' em want to stay in the association? How to detect the risk of conflicts and manage Em When They APPEAR. What communication, technical adopted what to defuse the conflict?
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