ActionAid UK 33-39 Bowling Green Lane London EC1R 0BJ
ActionAid is an international charity that works with women and girls living in poverty. Our dedicated local staff are ending violence against women and girls and helping change lives, for good. In the UK We raise money to support ActionAid’s programme work to transform communities; we influence policy to change the systems and structures that keep people poor; we carry out research and put pressure on governments and key decision makers to effect global change. For more information about our work please visit
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
Organisations / agencies covered
The data we publish relates to AAUK and to activities related to restricted funded projects, both by institutional donors, major donors, trusts and foundations and corporate partners. We will also publish top-line data about unrestricted funding.
Timeliness of Data
Data on international development activities will be published within 6 months of the start of each project. Data on humanitarian activities will be published within 3 months of the start of each project. Data on unrestricted funding will be published once a year.
Frequency of publication
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
Data on both international development and humanitarian activities will be updated every 3 or 6 months (based on the type of donor). In some cases, for example where the delivery chain is multi-tiered, there might be delays in confirming expenditure which are outside of AAUK's control.
Units of Aid
For institutional/restricted funding each activity represents a contract or grant agreement. All unrestricted funds raised in each financial year will be published as one single activity.
Segmentation of Published Data
Data Definitions and References
AAUK uses OECD/DAC sector codes and policy markers to describe its work.
Field Exclusions
General criteria for exclusions are listed in AAUK's Open Information Policy, available here AAUK maintains that names of individual donors, trusts, foundations and corporate partners fall within one or more criteria outlined in the policy and therefore will be always anonymised.
Record Exclusions
General criteria for exclusions are listed in AAUK's Open Information Policy, available here Each activity will be assessed against these criteria before its publication.
Income, Expenditure and Disbursements figures are aggregated by quarter. Thresholds are not applied at the moment.
Other Constraints
All AAUK's policies are aligned to ActionAid International's policies.
Data Quality
Data published to the IATI Registry follows internal Quality Assurance (QA) processes, which include data checks at specific points (e.g. quarterly updates, end of project). Data on expenditure and disbursement is verified by the Finance team through AAUK's Global Finance System. Sector information and Policy Markers are based on the judgement of project staff even though based on OECD/DAC guidelines.
User Interface
It is currently possible to explore AAUK's data on d-portal.
User Interface Website