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Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat c/o Global Environment Facility Mail stop: MSN P-4-400 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 USA




The Adaptation Fund was established to finance concrete adaptation projects and programmes in developing countries that are parties to the Kyoto Protocol and are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Over the past three years, the fund has dedicated more than US$ 190 million to increase climate resilience in 28 countries around the world. Climate change is increasing the burdens of the poorest people in the world, who are often hardest hit by weather catastrophes, desertification, and rising sea levels, but who have contributed the least to the problem of global warming. In some parts of the world, climate change has already contributed to worsening food security, reduced the predictable availability of fresh water, and exacerbated the spread of disease and other threats to human health. Helping the most vulnerable countries and communities is an increasing challenge and imperative for the international community, especially because climate adaptation requires significant resources beyond what is already needed to achieve international development objectives

IATI identifier


Implementation Schedule


Organisations / agencies covered

100% of money flows through projects and programmes funded by the Adaptation Fund

Timeliness of Data

Publish anytime new projects are approved by the Board

Frequency of publication

Not specified

Frequency of publication (extra comments)

Approximatively twice a year

Units of Aid

Projects and programmes

Segmentation of Published Data


Data Definitions and References


Field Exclusions


Record Exclusions




Other Constraints


Data Quality

Operational/sub to change

User Interface

Currently not available- website going through maintenance

User Interface Website
