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C/ Bravo Murillo 178, 4º. 28020 Madrid.



Ayuda en Acción is a private, secular Spanish organisation that has been fighting poverty, inequality and exclusion around the world for more than 35 years. Today, Ayuda en Acción serves more than 2.5 million people in 21 different countries of Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. With more than 120,000 individual sponsors in Spain, Ayuda en Acción has a broad social foundation and is firmly implanted in civil society. Ayuda en Acción works with poor rural communities through long-term development programmes at a grass-root level. Our strategy establishes three premises for change to be possible, which are at the heart of our work: 1. Change comes from within people and from strengthening their capacities, and reaches the societies in which they live. 2. Favourable environments need to be developed that promote the use of people's capacities and their access to opportunities for a decent standard of living. 3. Change requires a collective effort from all actors (private organisations, public administrations and organised civil society).

IATI identifier


Implementation Schedule

Organisations / agencies covered

Ayuda en Acción, donors and Alliance2015 partners.

Timeliness of Data


Frequency of publication


Frequency of publication (extra comments)

We are in the process of developing an automatic interface with our corporate reporting platform. When the interface is ready, we will report to IATI on a monthly basis.

Units of Aid

Our intervention model is generally based on long-term development programmes (15 years). These programmes are made up of projects, mostly supported by our own funds or by public donors. These projects will make up our units of aids.

Segmentation of Published Data

Not yet decided.

Data Definitions and References


Field Exclusions

Not yet decided.

Record Exclusions

We do not foresee any exclusions other than those imposed by donors under contract, required by the Spanish legislative framework regulating our activity, or by the laws of the countries where the reported projects take place. Any modification of this general rule will be immediately notified here.



Other Constraints


Data Quality

Our accounts are audited by KPMG. We are also accountable to the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation and other bodies listed here:

User Interface


User Interface Website
