The Gates Foundation works with partner organizations worldwide to tackle critical problems in six program areas. Our Global Development Division focuses on improving the delivery of high-impact health products and services to the world’s poorest communities and helps countries expand access to health coverage. Our Global Health Division aims to reduce inequities in health by developing new tools and strategies to reduce the burden of infectious disease and the leading causes of child mortality in developing countries. Our Gender Equality Division works to ensure women and girls in Africa and South Asia can enjoy good health, make their own choices, earn their own money, and be leaders in their societies. Our Global Growth & Opportunity Division focuses on creating and scaling market-based innovations to stimulate inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Our United States Program Division works to ensure everyone in the United States can learn, grow, and get ahead, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or family income. And our Global Policy & Advocacy Division seeks to build strategic relationships and promote policies that will help advance our work.
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
Organisations / agencies covered
Gates Foundation
Timeliness of Data
IATI data are updated on a monthly basis.
Frequency of publication
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
IATI data are updated on a monthly basis.
Units of Aid
Our unit of activity will be at the grant level.
Segmentation of Published Data
Our IATI data will be published collectively by period.
Data Definitions and References
Not applicable.
Field Exclusions
Not applicable.
Record Exclusions
Our reporting starts from 2009 and excludes grants related to our US programs and grants that if published could harm our employees, grantees, partners, or the beneficiaries of our work. Specifically, we will consider exemptions based on the following criteria: • Security and safety: poses a risk to the security or safety of any individual, including foundation staff, contractors and beneficiaries. • Personal information: intrudes on personal privacy or breaches confidentiality. • Legally privileged and commercially sensitive information: violates legal commitments, such as non-disclosure agreements and confidentiality agreements, or would result in substantial harm to our grantees, partners or suppliers’ commercial interests. • Timing of publication: upsets a dynamic process in ways that pose substantial risk to achieving the outcomes sought by our grantees and partners. • Premature documents: document is too early in development to publish.
None, though this may be subject to change as we expand the scope of our reporting.
Other Constraints
Please refer to our 'Information Sharing Approach' on our website.
Data Quality
Our financial statements are independently audited. Our grant data is verified internally prior to publication but may be subject to change.
User Interface
A subset of our IATI data is made available through our website. We also publish our grant information with the Foundation Center and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
User Interface Website