ChildHope, The Green House 244-254 Cambridge Heath Road London, E2 9DA
ChildHope works in 10 countries in Africa, Asia and South America to meet the needs of street and working children, also aiming to prevent children becoming dependent on the streets or hazardous labour for their livelihoods. ChildHope raises funds to work with local partner organisations that recognise the complexity of children’s lives and that understand the environment they live in. We have a strong focus on children’s participation in decision-making, protection of children from all forms of violence, the right to quality education and development of inclusive approaches that tackle gender injustice.
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
Organisations / agencies covered
ChildHope UK and international partners
Timeliness of Data
1 quarter in arrears
Frequency of publication
Not specified
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
Units of Aid
Projects and programmes
Segmentation of Published Data
Separate files per country
Data Definitions and References
Field Exclusions
Record Exclusions
Exclusions are made to protect security and confidentiality of staff, beneficiaries and activities in accordance with ChildHope Open Information policy
There will be no thresholds placed on the financial value of Activity related data being published.
Other Constraints
Data Quality
Operational - verified through internal process
User Interface
We are considering how to enable user-friendly access to data published. We are interested in connecting with organisations working in similar sectors or countries to discuss the possibilities of working on this.
User Interface Website