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4/288 – Samata Bhawan Dhobighat, Lalitpur (Opposite to DAV School) P.O. Box 1661, Kathmandu, Nepal




IATI identifier


Implementation Schedule

CARE Nepal are an International Development and Emergency Humanitarian Response Non-Government Organisation based in Nepal. Our activities are published in accordance with our funding agreement with DFID.

Organisations / agencies covered

Our IATI data covers all DFID Funded projects managed by CARE Nepal and CARE International UK for implementation within Nepal.

Timeliness of Data

Quarterly reporting and publishing, 1 month in arrears.

Frequency of publication


Frequency of publication (extra comments)


Units of Aid

Each activity will be defined as those having a contract with DFID and can be considered as individual projects, programmes or distinct funding which will typically either be a commercial contract for services or an accountable grant letter (or similar).

Segmentation of Published Data

One file for Nepal programmes.

Data Definitions and References

One file for Nepal programmes.

Field Exclusions

The current upload includes data on the majority of the required IATI Standard fields. CARE Nepal are continually working on improvements to the accuracy and quality of our data and this reflected in regular improvements each quarter. We will continue to refine our data within current system and incorporate into any future systems.

Record Exclusions

All exclusions will be made in line with the CARE International UK exclusion policy which is published on it's website.


Transactions (Disbursements and Expenditure) will be included for those projects listed at the disclosure date. Disbursements are defined as transfers to In-Country partners and Expenditure is defined as direct costs incurred.

Other Constraints


Data Quality

The data is reviewed in accordance with internal procedure and responsibilities.

User Interface

We do not intend to provide this at this stage, but may do this in future. However, links to our IATI data will be provided on our website.

User Interface Website
