Development Aid From People to People (DAPP) Malawi Plot No. BE 314 Baines Road Ginnery Corner Opposite KAS Freight Blantyre Malawi Phone: +265(0) 888 992 732 Email:
Development from People to People in Malawi (DAPP in Malawi) is a member of the Federation for Associations connected to the International HUMANA PEOPLE to PEOPLE Movement. In short: HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE.The objective of DAPP in Malawi is to promote social and economic development. Through a variety of development models, DAPP complements the Governments effort in implementing the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy to achieve the nation’s Vision 2020.The people engaged in the development initiatives of DAPP are trained and equipped with tools and knowledge enabling them to transform their dreams and wishes for a better life into practical actions. Presently, the DAPP projects are focused on four of the pressing development issues in Malawi: Improving food-security and economic growth, Increasing access to quality education, Improving children’s conditions, Fighting HIV & AIDS DAPP and Improving access to improved sanitation and hygiene. Notably the organisation is implementing a 3 year DFID funded Women empowerment via Farmers Club Project in Chikhwawa District in the southern region in Malawi
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
Organisations / agencies covered
The IATI data covers information regarding to DAPP Malawi specifically Women Empowerment via Farmers Club Project in Chikhwawa District. However from the DAPP website, information relating to all organisation can be found.
Timeliness of Data
The organisation will post the data once every quarter in arreas; therefore the data captured inbternally will be made available after three months.
Frequency of publication
Not specified
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
Units of Aid
The organisation has four main programmes i.e. Farmers Club, Education, Child Aid and Sanitation, Total Control of Epidemic. Under these programmes sevaral project are implemented and the data published will be at project level.
Segmentation of Published Data
Being a local NGO operating within Malawi, the IATI data will be published in one file.
Data Definitions and References
Website: Data: Women Empowerment via farmers Club Project Publishers: Quarterly updates, Case stories, Films, appraisal, Annual reports and appraisals
Field Exclusions
Record Exclusions
Other Constraints
Data Quality
Verified data will be posted
User Interface
The data will be accessible to all users
User Interface Website