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Kirkos Sub-City, Woreda 02/03 | Gabon Street/ Meskel Flower Area | Jemaá Building, 5th Floor| Addis Ababa | Ethiopia



General description of publisher's role and activities.

IATI identifier


Implementation Schedule

URL of an Implementation Schedule.

Organisations / agencies covered

Which organisations/agencies does your IATI data cover? (What % of your total development flows does this cover? What is missing?).

Timeliness of Data

How soon after data is captured and available internally will data be published?

Frequency of publication


Frequency of publication (extra comments)


Units of Aid


Segmentation of Published Data

files per country

Data Definitions and References

Links to guides, explanations, code lists on the publisher's own site that clarify their data.

Field Exclusions

What fields recommended in the standard do you never use - and for what reason.

Record Exclusions

What are your policies for excluding particular activities, or parts of an activity's data?


What are the thresholds below which data or whole activities are not published?

Other Constraints

Other policies or circumstances that restrict your full compliance with the standard.

Data Quality

Publisher's comment on the status and accuracy of the data - audited/verified, operational/sub to change, etc

User Interface

Will IATI data be accessible for end users through an existing or a new user interface on your website?

User Interface Website