Avenida Horacio Urteaga 534 602 Jesus Maria, Lima Perú
The Fund is guided by and for Indigenous women and its purpose is to invest resources to achieve the fulfillment of individual and collective human rights of Indigenous women. As FIMI’s economic and philanthropic branch, the Indigenous Women’s Fund is a grant-making body that provides flexible grants to indigenous women organizations that are responding to key political changes at the local, national, regional and international levels. Access to financial resources not only benefits individual organizations, but also strengthens indigenous women’s leadership roles within the broader indigenous movement. The Indigenous Women Fund, therefore, acts as a catalyst for the sustainable financing of indigenous women’s organizations worldwide.
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
Initial upload (1st of March 2019), and quaterly update of the implementation of the Leading from the South Programme
Organisations / agencies covered
International Indigenous Women's Forum activities, results and transactions with local partner organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and Africa (global reach 100%) in the context of the Leading from the South Programme (2016-2020), which is implemented in Consortium with FMS (Latin America and the Caribbean), AWDF (Africa) and WFA (Asia), and supported by the Netherland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Timeliness of Data
1st March 2019 - Initial upload of 2016-2019 FIMI and Consortium results, activities and transactions data 31 May 2019 - FIMI's Annual Narrative Report 1st July 2019 - FIMI's update 1st November 2019 - FIMI's update 1st March 2020 - FIMI's update 31 May 2020 - FIMI's Annual Narrative Report 1 July 2020 - FIMI's update 1 November 2020 - FIMI's update 1 March 2021 - FIMI's update 31 March 2021 - FIMI's Annual and FInal Narrative Reports
Frequency of publication
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
The frequency of publication will be accomplished on a quaterly basis and in accordance with the Grant's Contract signed with the MFA. In addition, the data to be published will respond to the M&E Framework developed as a Consortium and as organization.
Units of Aid
The Programme involves basically three levels or units: 1) Leading from the South Consortium (with a M&E framework with a set of selected indicators); 2) Organizational level (FIMI) which is tied to the implementation of the Annual Operational Plan (OPA); and 3) Indigenous Women's Organizations, the partner organizations that implement the projects with the granted funds. Whereas partner organizations submit regularily reports to FIMI, these are not expected to upload information in the short term.
Segmentation of Published Data
The data will be published at global and regional level. It will be assessed the possibility to publish country based data. Nevertheless, while certain projects are focused on GBV and protection of human rights defenders, we are still assessing the risks.
Data Definitions and References
Field Exclusions
Record Exclusions
As mentioned before, the record exclusions will be connected to certain grants, details of local communities where indigenous women's organizations are working on protection of human rigths defenders and other sensitive issues.
Other Constraints
Data Quality
Whereas annual organizational data to to published on May 31, each year will be backed up by audit reports and clearence, and Consortium's Common Indicators, the quaterly updates will be based on M&E information collected from Mid-Term and Final reports submitted by LFS partner organizations, in accordance with the M&E framework, what will be subjected to change.
User Interface
It it not expected in the short term.
User Interface Website