No 4 Ibrahim Amoda Street, Off Dr Fasehun Street , Off Century Bus stop ,Ago Palace Way Okota Lagos Lagos State Nigeria
Generation Initiative for Women and Youth Network (GIWYN) builds and strengthens the ability of women and young people to live healthier lives by creating sustainable strategies to ensure the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights of women and young people, recognizing these rights are critical to a peaceful and healthy society GIWYN builds a Reproductive Justice Advocacy coalition in Nigeria which is made up of now 30 organizations that are promoting and advocating for access to contraception and information on, Reproductive Health, Post Abortion Care and Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage. GIWYN convenes workshop and training of trainers for activists nationally and across countries on how to reduce unsafe abortion, misconceptions and stigma including expanding access to safe abortion information. The Coalition in Nigeria expands, collaborates and partners with organizations from 6 countries ( Nigeria, Cameroon, Gambia, Kenya, Uganda and DRC) in sub-Saharan Africa and international allies to implement activities towards achieving reproductive and sexual rights and reproductive health of women and girls in accordance with international laws and treaties. Through the Coalition, GIWYN mobilizes and coordinates organizations (both international, national and grassroots) and individuals to commemorate Campaigns focusing on SRHR. In addition, GIWYN has worked on policy influencing, produced a policy brief recommending proper inclusion of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the National Health Policy. GIWYN has trained and mentored NGO's and community activist groups based in Sub Saharan Africa on various Sexual Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights issues . GIWYN has attended and presented at various regional and international SRHR oriented gatherings .GIWYN is presently ,implementing The Project . Mobilizing Activists around Medical Abortion in sub Saharan Africa (MAMA) : security, visibility and continuous innovation The project is sponsored by AmplifyChange Further more, GIWYN is a founding member of the Mobilizing Activists around Medical Abortion in sub Saharan Africa (MAMA) Network and a very active implementing member of the MAMA Network programs and projects
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
From 2020 to 2022
Organisations / agencies covered
Women Empowering Women Initiative (WEWIN) Think Young Women (TYN) Trust and Support Foundation (TSF) Women for a Change, Cameroon (WFaC Youth Network for Community and Sustainable Development (YNCSD) Vision in Action Cameroon (VIAC) The Community Health Rights Network (COHERINET) Women and Children of Inspiration (WOMCI) SOS FEMME ENFANT EN CATASTROPHE (SOSFEC)
Timeliness of Data
March 2021 to August 2021
Frequency of publication
Six Monthly
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
Twice a year
Units of Aid
An Activity is defined as : Projects and Programs
Segmentation of Published Data
Data Definitions and References
Field Exclusions
Record Exclusions
Other Constraints
Data Quality
User Interface
User Interface Website