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Heske Verburg, Nieuwegracht 32, 3512 LS Utrecht,




Healthy Entrepreneurs is a young, creative and innovative social enterprise with 100% focus on business development with social impact. We make it our business to ensure that families in developing countries have access to reliable and affordable products and services that contribute to good health. We do this by: - setting up an innovative, fair and reliable franchise concept, where local entrepreneurs run a business with a complete basket of health commodities, have a stable income and enjoy respect within the communities they serve. - establishing our own logistic chain to supply the entrepreneurs, but at the same time supply medicines and medical supplies as wholesaler to public and private health facilities in the region. Continuous availability of all products is critical to successful health outcomes. Supply chain management of health commodities is an essential prerequisite of a functioning health system. Healthy Entrepreneurs is actively involved in all elements of the supply chain in order to guarantee availability of high quality products at customer level. We work in five countries with our own wholesale operation, implementing partners (country offices or partner organizations) and our entrepreneurs. By the end of this year, 900 entrepreneurs will be active in Burundi, DRC, Rwanda, Uganda and Haiti. Our warehouses in Rwanda and Haiti supply the entrepreneurs.

IATI identifier


Implementation Schedule

Organisations / agencies covered

Healthy Entrepreneurs and her subsidiaries, active in Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Uganda and Haiti.

Timeliness of Data

After one month

Frequency of publication


Frequency of publication (extra comments)


Units of Aid

Programmes with different partners within the countries we are active in.

Segmentation of Published Data

Separate files per country

Data Definitions and References


Field Exclusions


Record Exclusions




Other Constraints

Capacity within the organisation. Healthy Entrepreneurs is a small social enterprise. We will use existing materials to upload on IATI, but will not specifically produce with as purpose publishing on this site.

Data Quality


User Interface

Data will we accessible through a link on our website.

User Interface Website
