Note that the Hewlett Foundation is a private foundation and funds are not considered Official Development Assistance. Initial publication is expected to cover internationally-focused resources from 2006 to present, from the Hewlett Foundation’s Global Development and Population program areas. Publication will include both active and closed grants. During later phases of IATI publication, the inclusion of additional data items for each grant will pertain to new grants only. The majority of Hewlett’s grantmaking is domestically focused on programs in the United States. The IATI data will cover approximately 21% of Hewlett’s overall grantmaking.
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
Organisations / agencies covered
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Menlo Park, CA
Timeliness of Data
New data will be available in the quarter following being captured in Hewlett’s systems.
Frequency of publication
Not specified
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
Initially, quarterly publication and updates; in the future, providing a higher frequency of publication may be considered.
Units of Aid
In Hewlett’s systems, a grant is considered an “activity”. There is not a multi-tiered project structure, and there are no systematic links between grants.
Segmentation of Published Data
Publishing with 2 XML files, one for organization and one for activities -- no segmenting by country. Approximately 79% of Hewlett’s international grants are not specific to one country.
Data Definitions and References
Field Exclusions
Record Exclusions
Initially, the Hewlett Foundation will not publish information about Direct Charitable Activities (DCAs) because Hewlett currently only publishes information about its grants, not DCAs. Further internal consultation will be required before determining if DCA details will be published. It may not be practical to publish DCAs dues to the diverse nature of the recipients and often small monetary value. The Hewlett Foundation may choose not to share grant description/detail for the following types of reasons: the grant agreement letter contains a confidentiality provision; the grant data field requested implicates privacy concerns; the Foundation has not received the appropriate legal permissions to share the data; or other legal concerns.
There is no anticipated threshold for grant amounts.
Other Constraints
Data Quality
As the initial publication of Hewlett data will include data that is already published and provided to the Foundation Center, the same data quality verification processes that are already in place will apply to the publication of data in the IATI format.
User Interface
There will be a web page on the website, where users can learn about Hewlett’s participation in IATI and access the data files.
User Interface Website