New City Cloisters 196 Old Street London EC1V 9FR United Kingdom
Internews Europe is one of the most experienced international NGOs addressing the need to expand and protect freedom of expression and information. We bring a blend of rich expertise in international media development and in developing and deploying some of the most innovative technologies and approaches (digital and analogue) to rights-based information access, production, and dissemination. Internews has been a key stakeholder and driver of change in media development and media sector reform globally for nearly 20 years. We have established a wide network of regional offices in turn connected to thousands of journalists, civil society organisations, government institutions, universities, media groups and regulatory bodies. Our programmes have ranged from rapid-response efforts to stabilise the media sector, to long-term programmes to embed increased citizen engagement, information access and key thematic strands into the regional information ecosystem. This deep-seated knowledge and expertise is further supported by strong relations around the world with influential reform agents within governments and the most senior/respected media stakeholders. Meanwhile, through the work of its London-based Technology hub, Internews Europe has successfully pioneered, developed and applied some of the most innovative information and communications technologies in support of its mission in the past few years.
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
Organisations / agencies covered
Currently we are reporting on a project funded by - The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs - The UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Timeliness of Data
The data is currently published in relation to the reporting schedule and it is published as per the report submission deadlines. Internews Europe will be gradually going towards publication of data on all the projects when the data will be published with a specific regularity.
Frequency of publication
Less than annually
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
Units of Aid
Currently an Activity is defined at the project level. Internews Europe is likely to introduce a more complex structure (adding programmes) as it will be gradually rolling out its cross-organisational open data publication on all current awards.
Segmentation of Published Data
IATI data is published per Activity
Data Definitions and References
More information will be available when Internews Europe launches its Open Data Policy during 2017.
Field Exclusions
This will be defined in the framework of Internews Europe Open Data Policy which will be rolled out in the course of 2017.
Record Exclusions
Internews Europe has an Exclusion Policy relevant to its Open Data Publication activity. it is available here:
we currently don't have such thresholds but those may be defined within our future Open Data Policy
Other Constraints
This will be defined in the framework of Internews Europe's Open Data Policy which will be rolled out in the course of 2017.
Data Quality
Internews Europe will only publish the data that underwent a robust internal verification. When there is an audit requirement, we will make sure the information published has been audited.
User Interface
This will be defined in the framework of Internews Europe's Open Data Policy which will be rolled out in the course of 2017. We are currently using Aidstream as an interface for reporting and storing our published data.
User Interface Website