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Rue Rothschild 20 1202 Geneva Switzerland



ILGA World – the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association - is a worldwide federation of more than 1,700 organisations from over 160 countries and territories campaigning for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex human rights. We want a world where the human rights of all are respected and where everyone can live in equality and freedom: a world where global justice and equity are assured and established regardless of people’s sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and sex characteristics (SOGIESC). Established in 1978, ILGA World has ECOSOC consultative status at the United Nations. Our members are based in our six regions: Pan Africa ILGA, ILGA Asia, ILGA-Europe, ILGALAC (Latin America and the Caribbean), ILGA North America and ILGA Oceania.) Governed by an elected Board of 19 activists representing our global family, ILGA World is queer democracy in action! ILGA World publishes data on its activities to advance its mission, vision and strategic objectives in alignment with its current strategic plan. ILGA World Activities, Programmes, Projects and Initiatives can be summarised in the following areas: ADVOCACY We work to achieve and maintain recognition and protection of the human rights of people with diverse SOGIESC by the United Nations and other global institutions. RESEARCH Our experts collect reliable, evidence-based data on laws towards our communities and produce guides that are crucial resources in the hands of human rights defenders, including the State-Sponsored Homophobia report and the Trans Legal Mapping Report. TRAININGS AND CONVENINGS We support LGBTI organisations around the world with capacity-building trainings, and organise world and regional conferences to provide them with occasions to network and strategise. COMMUNICATIONS We raise awareness about LGBTI human rights issues through media, and work to support the visibility and contributions of people of diverse and marginalised SOGIESC.

IATI identifier


Implementation Schedule

To be provided at a later date.

Organisations / agencies covered

ILGA World - 100% ILGA World will also report on activities led by regional and national organisations supported through programmes, projects and initiatives led by ILGA World.

Timeliness of Data

Within 90 days

Frequency of publication


Frequency of publication (extra comments)

At this time, ILGA World anticipates publishing data on IATI annually with the aim of IATI publication moving to quarterly publishing in 2024.

Units of Aid

ILGA World has ongoing programmes, short-term projects and initiatives. ILGA World will be publishing all data on the organisation's participation in the Free to Be Me Consortium Programme funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. ILGA World is a core consortium member with HIVOS and Positive Vibes

Segmentation of Published Data

In 2023, ILGA World anticipates publishing all data in one file. ILGA World will consider separation by region in 2024.

Data Definitions and References

ILGA World will provide relevant links to guides, explanations and other documents at the time of publishing.

Field Exclusions

Not applicable at this time.

Record Exclusions

ILGA World will exclude data that risks the protection and safety of human rights defenders and organisations it works within hostile or difficult environments and where LGBTI people are criminalized.


The thresholds for determining if data will not be published is based on ILGA World's risk register, monitoring data collected by a data aggregator called the ILGA World Monitor, and other factors on case by case bases focused on the safety, security, protection and well-being of participating activists and human rights defenders.

Other Constraints

ILGA World may, at times, face constraints on publishing data in full compliance due to a variety of factors. For example, ILGA World may not publish data that can be used to cause harm to LGBTI people, LGBTI-led organisations, or other individuals. In these cases, ILGA World will identify the limitation with donors and participating organisations, human rights defenders and other stakeholders.

Data Quality

Financial data is audited and verified. Operational and Programmatic data for the Free to Be Me Programme is audited. All data is verified and checked for consistency and accuracy across all data published.

User Interface

The data will be provided directly on the organisation's website without a user interface at this time.

User Interface Website