4 route des Morillons, CH-1211, Genève 22, Switzerland
The only tripartite UN agency, since 1919 the International Labour Organization brings together governments, employers and workers of 187 member States, to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programmes promoting decent work for all women and men.
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
Organisations / agencies covered
ILO’s IATI data cover voluntary contributions from the funding partners as well as the regular budget technical cooperation funds (with some exclusions) which together represent about 50% of the total annual development flows of the ILO.
Timeliness of Data
ILO data in IATI are updated on a quarterly basis. Time lag is 10 days: data are published to IATI within 10 days after they have been extracted from the ILO’s internal ERP system.
Frequency of publication
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
Units of Aid
Activity is defined as a country programme outcome (CPO) or a global product (GP) in accordance with the ILO’s integrated results and resources management framework and the internal biannual planning and budgeting processes. At the end of each biennium the results achieved are published to IATI as part of the Q1 update of the following biennium. The work that builds upon the achievements of the previous biennium is published to IATI as a new activity every biennium. All activities are published at the same level (no multi-tiered activity structures). Some of the data details are published at the activity level (e.g. recipient country/region, purpose codes, SDGs etc.). The financial information and some of the other details are published at the transaction level (e.g. provider organization, recipient organization, humanitarian flag, flow type, aide type 2, tied status etc.)
Segmentation of Published Data
All data are published to IATI in one file per biennium without a segmentation per country or region.
Data Definitions and References
Field Exclusions
Out of 407 data items from the IATI Activity Standard Summary Table ILO publishes 171. 74 are not relevant for the ILO.
Record Exclusions
1. The names of implementing partners with the org. types “National NGO”, “Foundation” and “Academic, Training and Research” get excluded from the publication to ensure responsible transparency. At this point ILO does not have an internal mechanism to assess the sensitivity of disclosing the names of these types of local implementing partners on a case-by-case basis and, therefore, excludes all their names from the publication while disclosing the org. type. ILO intends to base those exclusions on the data sensitivity assessment in the future 2. Some transactions experiencing technical problems get excluded from the publication if the problem cannot be fixed immediately. These exclusions are minimal and get reviewed and fixed before every quarterly data update
ILO does not exclude activities from the publication based on thresholds.
Other Constraints
For some limited number of active activities (about 5 %) the following data elements might be missing from the publication for technical reasons: Gender marker, SDG sector, org. type of implementing partners, org. type and flow type of incoming funds transactions that are funded by multi-donor pooled voluntary funds ILO is working to address these issues. ILO publishes participating organisations org. identifiers (ref) only for those organizations that are part of the list of publishers in IATI Registry. At this point ILO does not have technical capacity to construct organisation identifiers for the participating organisations that are not part of the IATI Registry list using the as advised in the IATI traceability guidance or the methodology for identifying government entities. ILO publishes donor activity identifiers only for those donors that make them available to the ILO or those activities that can be easily identified in the donor’s IATI publication using d-portal. ILO does not publish implementing partners’ activity identifiers as they are not collected in its ERP system due to the significant costs and effort required. ILO continues working on improving the georgical disaggregation of some of its global activities. Only ILO’s voluntary funding gets reviewed with regard to the nature of the assistance (humanitarian/HDP nexus vs development) and gets flagged in the publication using the “humanitarian flag” at the transaction level. ILO does not have a system in place yet to do it for assessed contributions. Development voluntary funding (projects) that was partly repurposed for humanitarian response in emergency situations does not get flagged as humanitarian in ILO data due to technical limitations. Hence possible discrepancies compared to the data reported to OCHA FTS.
Data Quality
ILO is continuously improving the quality of its data in IATI
User Interface
ILO data in IATI is accessible through the multitude of the IATI data access tools. ILO does not have any data visualization tools based on IATI data. The following dashboards provide access to different elements of ILO data that are also published to IATI. However, these dashboards are fed directly from the ILO’s ERP system and not from IATI data. - ILO Decent Work Results dashboard - ILO Development Cooperation dashboard - i - eval Discovery platform
User Interface Website