International Alert 346 Clapham Road LONDON SW9 9AP United Kingdom Tel +44 (0) 20 7627 6800 Fax +44 (0) 20 7627 6900
International Alert is a 27-year old independent peacebuilding organisation. We work with people who are directly affected by violent conflict to improve their prospects of peace. And we seek to influence the policies and ways of working of governments, international organisations like the UN and multinational companies, to reduce conflict risk and increase the prospects of peace. We work in Africa, several parts of Asia, the South Caucasus, the Middle East and Latin America and have recently started work in the UK. Our policy work focuses on several key themes that influence prospects for peace and security – the economy, climate change, gender, the role of international institutions, the impact of development aid, and the effect of good and bad governance. We are one of the world’s leading peacebuilding NGOs with more than 200 staff based in London and 15 field offices. The organisation is led by our Secretary General, Dan Smith OBE, and the Senior Management Team.
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
Organisations / agencies covered
This covers International Alert data related to Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) grants representing the majority of funding received and the overall budget of the organisation. Data is published on grants being implemented in the current calendar year. At this time data for funding covering program work inside the UK, small donations and consultancy contracts is not included. .
Timeliness of Data
Data is captured on a quaterly basis and updated to reflect the previous quarter. For example, data published June 30 (end of quarter 2) will show data as of March 31 (end of quarter 1).
Frequency of publication
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
IATI data is refreshed on a quarterly basis as per the following dates: March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31.
Units of Aid
An activity is defined as a grant which either supports one specific project or one that is core funding supporting a range of projects and programmes across countries and regions. Activities listed as B01 represent grants across programmes while B03 represent grants funding one specific project.
Segmentation of Published Data
Data is published either for country or region depending on the location of the activity. For activities implemented in one country, only that country is published. For activities implemented in more than one country in the same region, only the region is published. For activities supporting countries in more than one region, the region 'Bitlateral, unspecified' is published.
Data Definitions and References
Not available
Field Exclusions
At this time International Alert does not publish data on the fields listed below because it is either not applicable to the organisation, not captured by internal systems, or deemed too sensitive to publish as per International Alert's exclusion policy: ActiviyTitle and Description in Recipient Language, Participating Organisation (Extending, Implementing and Accountable), Sub-National Geographic Location, Sector - Agency Specific Policy Markers Collaboration Type Default Finance Type Default Tied Aid Status Planned Disbursements Financial Transaction (Reimbursement and Loan/Interest Repayment), Related Activities, Conditions Attached Text of Conditions, Results Data
Record Exclusions
International Alert has an exclusion policy which idenitifies the activities or parts of activity data for exclusion which was decided by the internal IATI Steering Group.
Other Constraints
Data Quality
User Interface
No, however there will be a link to the IATI website provided on International Alert's website so end users can be directed to the data more easily.
User Interface Website