MAMTA-Health Institute for Mother and Child B-5, GK Enclave Part II New Delhi Delhi, INDIA-110048
MAMTA is a national level NGO committed to integrated health and development issues in the context of poverty, gender and rights with ‘Life Cycle Approach’. The organization initiated its work in an urban slum, Tigri (Delhi) in 1990 by providing clinical services to women and children with an aim to enhance their health status and improve pregnancy outcomes.
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
Organisations / agencies covered
Project Name :- Improving Maternal and Child Health services and livelihood opportunities for 37,280 poor women in two districts of lUttar Pradesh, india. Funded by DFID Department for International Development Implementing Agency : MAMTA Health Insitute for Mother & Child All DFID supported project will be published.
Timeliness of Data
We shall update with in three months of the project sanctioned by DFID. Current project will be published in Apr 2013
Frequency of publication
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
Data will be updated quarterly, initially a quarter in arrears. However, we aim, with an upgrade to our financial system, to enable us to publish more timely information on transactions, to publish quarterly with 4 weeks in arrears by December 2013.
Units of Aid
We intend to publish the project details with sub components defined as activities under the project.
Segmentation of Published Data
IATI data for the DFID supported project to the organization in India shall be published.
Data Definitions and References
Field Exclusions
Record Exclusions
Exclusions shall happen only if required by the Law of Land.
All activities over GBP : 1,500 will be published.
Other Constraints
Data Quality
For initial publication, the data will only be verified by programme staff prior to the publication. It is well in line with current organisational practice.
User Interface
We are not planning to create an individual organisational interface.
User Interface Website