Nordic International Support Foundation Visiting address: Akersgata 73 B, 0180 Oslo, NORWAY Postal address: PO Box 9025 Grønland, 0133 Oslo, NORWAY Tel: +47 21 39 60 37 E-mail:
The Nordic International Support Foundation (NIS) is a Norwegian-registered, non-profit foundation, engaged in stabilisation and reconciliation initiatives in conflict and post-conflict areas. Our primary areas of intervention are institutional development, public service delivery, and conflict resolution. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, NIS currently implements projects in Somalia, Myanmar and Mali. NIS works in environments where many other agencies are unwilling or unable to operate, and has further established a field office in Mogadishu, Somalia. NIS’s work can be subdivided in the following three categories: field-based interventions working with government to deliver short-term prioritised services and infrastructure; advising central and regional authorities on capacity-building to support the government bodies in portraying political will to change and stabilisation, and; analytical work based on long-term field presence and extensive networks. The approach of NIS consists in providing assistance in a flexible, innovative and tailored manner. Whenever possible, NIS makes use of new technologies in its projects on the ground.
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
Organisations / agencies covered
Project activities and data published relates to NIS. These NIS activities, published in line with the IATI, include our bilateral strategic funding with DFID, starting 2013 and onward. This covers approximately 15% of our expenditures in 2014. In the future we might be looking at publishing on other activities as well. Some project budgets also covers funds channelled to other organisation implementing activities on behalf of NIS. However, NIS is not a funding organisation and will therefore not include the annual budget for these organisations. Further exclusions and thresholds are detailed below.
Timeliness of Data
NIS commits to publishing data for each new activity (i.e. project or programme fully or bilaterally funded by DFID, and in accordance with the exclusions and thresholds outlined below) within one quarter of signing project agreement with DFID. NIS captures data from projects throughout the project phase and revised data may be published shortly after project completion.
Frequency of publication
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
IATI data will be refreshed on a quarterly basis.
Units of Aid
An activity is defined as either a single project related to an individual grant, or as a cluster of projects holding an overall total budget in addition to individual budgets. Some of NIS’s activities do further have a multi-tiered project structure. NIS also runs projects that are co-funded. The nature of each activity published will be specified in the activity file. For the purpose of the IATI, NIS defines as activity a project or programme that has been fully or bilaterally funded by DFID. NIS plans to only publish total budget amounts, not budget details.
Segmentation of Published Data
The NIS activity data will be published separately per project, be it a multi-tiered project or a main project with connecting sub-projects. The projects are for the most part restricted to one country and will be published as a country-specific file, although some may be of a regional character. This will be specified in the file concerned.
Data Definitions and References
Field Exclusions
Activity contacts –we will exclude staff information. Participating organisation – for security reasons we may exclude information on implementing partners. Sub-national geographic location – NIS will only report on region or country level.
Record Exclusions
Projects with high sensitivity are excluded for security reasons. This may also include projects funded by DFID. Documents entailing information on sensitive organisational and project administration, such as information about personnel, are excluded. Some information can be withheld if it is understood to draw unwanted attention to the project in an early phase and therefore prove contra-productive to the project implementation. NIS reserves the right to exclude documents that we initially have agreed to publish should we conclude that publication would present a credible risk to the project, organisation, implementing partners or individuals involved, or where partners have reasonable objections, in particular where it might affect established working methods and networks.
There are no thresholds on the value of the activity or transaction being published. For other thresholds, see above.
Other Constraints
Data Quality
NIS will only publish data that has been verified. All budget data are verified by internal financial controller and donors. Financial data will also be subject to audit by external audit company, however, the data might be published before the audit. All narrative/other activity data will be verified by internal compliance team.
User Interface
No, the data will not be published on our own website. We will however provide information of our data sharing with the IATI and guide end users to the IATI website.
User Interface Website