We strive for a world where there are no longer any deaths from AIDS and where people enjoy good sexual health. A world in which everyone can love freely and without fear. We do this by working together with the people who are hit hardest by HIV, STIs, discrimination and exclusion. We strengthen their voice and support them with information, knowledge and funding. For all that is love. Our Strategy 2022-2025 can be found here:
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
We update our data every quarter.
Organisations / agencies covered
We publish data for our partnerships Love Alliance, Hands Off and Robert Carr Fund.
Timeliness of Data
30 days after the end of a quarter the data will be published.
Frequency of publication
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
Units of Aid
Our organisation publishes its projects. Our data do contain some clustered projects in the form of mother-child projects. Descriptions, results and narrative information is published at the level of the mother project. Transactions are published at the level of the child project.
Segmentation of Published Data
Our organisation publishes two files: one file that includes all projects with transactions in Euro and one file that includes all projects with transactions in US Dollar.
Data Definitions and References
Field Exclusions
Record Exclusions
We are aware that safe and appropriate collection and use of data to improve HIV programs for key populations is a critical topic. For certain reasons, it may be deemed necessary to exclude data that has been committed to be published so that no harm comes to Aidsfonds, partners work or staff or the communities themselves. Our exclusion policy contains the criteria to determine under what circumstances projects or information is to be excluded from publication. Our exclusion policy can be found here:
We do not publish data if the costs for publishing/obtaining the data are extraordinarily high in relation to the relevance of the data for the public. Because of this principle, projects with a contribution of Aidsfonds < EUR 50,000 will not be published, unless the Project Manager decides otherwise.
Other Constraints
Data Quality
Aidsfonds values the quality and consistency of its open data. Therefore, Aidsfonds publishes only project data that meet the minimum requirements. Data that does not meet the minimum requirements will be excluded.
User Interface
User Interface Website