7th Circle, Al-Hashim Complex, 3rd floor, Masoud Bin Nasser St., P.O. Box: 850080, Postal Code: 11185, Amman, Jordan.
Entiqal for Training “Partners for Good” is a Jordanian NGO which has been operating in Jordan since 2003. Partners for Good (PfG) aims at supporting communities to realize a brighter future through positive development, empowerment, and partnerships. PfG’ Mission is “Supporting communities to realize a brighter future through positive development, empowerment, and partnerships”. PfG envisions: “A world where people own an opportunity to live and prosper with dignity”. Partners for Good bears its roots to an accumulative 20 years of experience of Global Communities’ successful youth, good governance and community empowerment programs in Jordan. Global Communities sought a viable way to carry forward in Jordan the learning and methodologies that have been the foundations of its successful programs in child labor, good governance, youth empowerment and workforce development, entrepreneurship and innovation. Based on these goals, Global Communities founded Partners for Good. Partners for Good, carried on with the robust body of work developed by Global Communities, and innovated its own ideas, approaches and interventions to support various aspects concentrated for youth empowerment and development in Jordan. This manifested in planning and implementing various research, data collection, youth engagement, youth-led initiatives and programs which Partners for Good either led or participated in. The core and strategic interventions led by PfG focused on: positive youth development and civic engagement, youth entrepreneurship support and youth employ-ability.
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
Organisations / agencies covered
The IATI data covers Partners for Good. The reporting currently covers the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Funded program in Jordan with Reference #4000003243 and will cover 100% of the project.
Timeliness of Data
The data will be published quarterly, one month after the end of each quarter starting from the second quarter of 2020. Data is captured internally on a monthly basis.
Frequency of publication
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
None at this point.
Units of Aid
The activities in the project’s tracking are first defined on an objective level, then an outcome level. The units of reporting on aid will rely on the Outcome level as approved in the grant’s budget.
Segmentation of Published Data
The IATI data will be published currently by Partners for Good on a program-basis, segmented on a country level if the program is implemented outside of the main country of operation-Jordan.
Data Definitions and References
Accessible on the link below via accessing the file titled "Data References (Objectives and Outcomes).
Field Exclusions
Mainly no exclusions and our data covers our own activities and results, not partner or sub-contractor.
Record Exclusions
At this stage, no foreseeable exclusions are known to PfG which necessitate excluding some fields from IATI reporting, nor are any risks to target beneficiary groups from reporting detected.
All transactions will be reported.
Other Constraints
None which are detected at present.
Data Quality
At this stage, it is operational before the end of each financial year. Partners for Good is audited every year. Data is subject to change according to environmental, political, global health and governmental-imposed measures due to COVID-19. All data gets audited externally by an independent auditor chosen by the supervisory board.
User Interface
No user interface exists at present.
User Interface Website