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Contact International Programs 1255 23rd Street NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20037 Tel: 202-617-2300 Fax: 202-223-8828




Plan International USA is a member of Plan International, and country offices and programs are managed by Plan International Inc, a membership-based company part-owned by Plan International USA. Plan International USA's ODA flows are broadly of two types: (a) grants secured by Plan International USA from US Government, Corporations, Foundations, multilateral donors and major individual donors and implemented via Plan International Country Offices for specific activities; and (b) child sponsorship funds raised from the US public, remitted to Plan International Inc. and pooled with similar funds from other Plan National Organisations to provide unrestricted funds to support delivery of Country Strategic Plans. Plan International USA is able to provide detailed information on grant-funded projects, and less detail on pooled, sponsorship-funded programs.

IATI identifier


Implementation Schedule


Organisations / agencies covered

For Plan International USA grant-funded work, each "activity" will relate to a project, as defined by the agreement with the donor agency. Where there is a percentage remaining with Plan International USA and in the case of multi-country activities, we will indicate the relationship using a parent (overall program) and child (specific activity per country) relationship and provide information on Plan International USA and the disbursement to the country office. We will use our internal "Grant Agreement Document" number as a supplemental ID. This will be indicated within the "Activity Description" and "Related Activity" fields. For sponsorship funded work, we foresee an "activity" as being defined as Plan US's financial contribution to the delivery of that Country's Strategic Plan. As further information on how IATI will work for private funding from individual giving is available, we may adjust this aspect.

Timeliness of Data

Data is published about projects in the implementation stage. Data is published immediately after captured and available internally to the International Programs team.

Frequency of publication


Frequency of publication (extra comments)

Every 6 months.

Units of Aid

Units of aid are individual grants implemented in each country, in some cases in multiple countries.

Segmentation of Published Data

For initial publication we will publish all data relating to single-country activities in one data file, and multi-country programs in a second data file. By the time of full compliance, we would anticipate publishing separate data files for each Plan region, along with a separate multi-country program data file.

Data Definitions and References

General information about our projects can be found on We are currently developing a special section of this site devoted to IATI for users to access project documents and data. Will publish the link when available.

Field Exclusions

This is addressed in detail in the "Open Information Policy" and Implementation Schedule for Plan International USA located on

Record Exclusions

We will exclude information on activities whose publication could endanger the security of the staff or assets of Plan or its implementing partners, or of the communities and children we work with. We will exclude certain information from project and program documents whose publication would harm the commercial interests of Plan International USA or its partners. Due to the prohibitive cost of publishing historical data, we will publish only information on projects that are live at the time of our initial publication. In line with Plan's Child Protection Policy, no data that could place individual children at risk of potential abuse or exploitation will be published. This is addressed in detail in the "Open Information Policy" and Implementation Schedule for Plan International USA located on


In Phase 1, we will report US Government, Corporate and Foundation grants of $200,000 or more where Plan is the primary implementer. We will begin reporting on all other activities gradually. Over time and as we develop IT systems and internal procedures capable of providing automated access to project data, we will be able to report on all activities irrespective of value. If those systems are not fully in place by our target data for full IATI compliance by October 2016, we will be required to adjust our current plans.

Other Constraints

This is addressed in the "Open Information Policy" and Implementation Schedule for Plan International USA located on

Data Quality

Verified - Organisational financial information will be externally audited. Project finances (data which originates in country offices) will generally be internally verified by Plan International USA program and/or finance staff. Project documents will be reviewed by program staff prior to publication.

User Interface

Not at the moment but this is under consideration.

User Interface Website
