Koepelplein 1C (De Koepel) 2031 WL Haarlem The Netherlands
RNW Media uses media to promote social change. We believe that informed people shape a better future, so we make information available on sensitive topics in parts of the world where freedom of speech cannot be taken for granted. Through persuasive storytelling and innovative use of media and training, we enable young people to make informed choices and drive change. We build communities, drawing on the network and local expertise in the countries where we work. And we connect change-makers and communities, stimulating conversation and co-creation.
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
Organisations / agencies covered
Organisations / agencies covered 85%.
Timeliness of Data
Data will be published within a month after collecting on selected levels (program + partner contracts) NB: based on MFA requirements
Frequency of publication
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
Quarterly reporting financial updates and bi-annual reporting on results.
Units of Aid
The organization works with programs (program: level 1) and projects (level 2: projects) as related activities and targets to be achieved under programs.
Segmentation of Published Data
not yet
Data Definitions and References
Will be included as sharable link (Codelist for IATI).
Field Exclusions
The fields that are not applicable to our organisation are indicated in the Implementation Schedule, including explanation.
Record Exclusions
Activities below 25.000 euro will not be published.
Other Constraints
RNW Media is working with a Theory of Change and uses both qualitative and quantitative reporting for output and outcomes. This combination of both qualitative and quantitative indicators can be conflicting with the IATI standard at times.
Data Quality
At the start, the data contains operational data on planning and budget, including verification. After a year’s cycle the data will be audited in the annual audit report.
User Interface
A selection of the IATI data will be presented at the organisation’s website end 2018.
User Interface Website