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Sense International (Kenya) Nelleon Place Rhapta Road Nairobi P.O. Box 53597-00200 Nairobi, Kenya



Sense International (SI) - Kenya is a Non-Governmental organization registered and is the only organization exclusively supporting people with deafblindness in Kenya. We have over 10 years’ experience in implementing livelihoods, education, health care and advocacy projects for people with deafblindness and their families. Our work supports people with deafblindness on a journey from isolation to independence, ensuring people that they have the economical, emotional, health and educational support to become active and valued members of their communities. Our work is guided by the following principles: • We work in partnership with governments, and NGOs to build the capacity of state education and health services to include children with deafblindness to access essential services. •We work with the families and communities to combat stigma, provide support and show people how to include children with deafblindness in family and community activities. • We work to influence governments to fulfil the rights of people with deafblindness and to immunize against Rubella, which is the leading cause of deafblindness in East Africa • We train parents and professionals on how to provide therapy and education for children with deafblindness.

IATI identifier


Implementation Schedule


Organisations / agencies covered

Data covers only DFID funds (31.1% of UKAM total project cost). Data does not cover income from other donors, such as trusts, foundations and other institutional bodies.

Timeliness of Data

Within 1 month

Frequency of publication


Frequency of publication (extra comments)


Units of Aid


Segmentation of Published Data

IATI data will be published for Kenya only

Data Definitions and References


Field Exclusions

Fully compliant

Record Exclusions

We have no excluded activities in our operational policies but this is subject to change



Other Constraints


Data Quality

Data will be verified internally for accuracy before publishing

User Interface


User Interface Website
