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Stars Foundation 11 Belgrave Road London SW1V 1RB United Kingdom Tel: +44 870 334 9000




Stars Foundation is an independent charity founded and funded by His Excellency Amr. A. Al Dabbagh and the Dabbagh Group of companies. The Foundation’s vision is to “improve the lives of disadvantaged children and their communities globally”. This aspiration is realised through a range of initiatives designed to tackle development challenges in some of the poorest countries in the world. Through a range of approaches, Stars aims to support local actors to address problems they identify by providing access to funding and non-financial support. Stars believes that well-run local organisations are best placed to respond to the needs of their communities and the young people in their care. All too often however, they are constrained by a rigid approach to partnerships and funding which can limit their effectiveness. Stars’ flagship activity is the annual ‘Impact Awards’ which recognise and reward effective and well-managed local organisations working in the fields of child health, education, protection and WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene). Stars aims to select a winner and runner-up in each field across three regions: Africa-Middle East, Asia-Pacific and Latin America-the Caribbean. The Awards are open to applications from the 100 countries with the highest rates of under-five mortality (

IATI identifier


Implementation Schedule


Organisations / agencies covered

Data Stars publishes on IATI refers to the Stars Impact Awards. The Impact Awards cover the organisation's direct overseas development flow - budget and transaction details provided relate to disbursed funding to organisations.

Timeliness of Data

Data for the Stars Impact Awards will be available within one month of the Impact Award winners being publicly announced.

Frequency of publication

Not specified

Frequency of publication (extra comments)

The data concerns our annual Impact Award programme, therefore, data will be refreshed on an annual basis.

Units of Aid

Single programmes.

Segmentation of Published Data

Due to the relatively small number of awards provided, IATI data referring to the 'Stars Impact Award' activity is published in one single file which contains aggregated data across countries.

Data Definitions and References

Information on the Stars Impact Awards can be accessed through the following link:

Field Exclusions


Record Exclusions

We will only exclude a particular activity or recipient organisation if we feel that disclosure would create a credible risk to the organisation or individuals.


All activities related to the Stars Impact Awards will be published, subject to the 'record exclusions' previously outlined.

Other Constraints


Data Quality


User Interface


User Interface Website
