1730 M Street NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20036
IMA World Health is a faith-based international relief and development organization rooted in the Lutheran tradition and ecumenically connected with others in focusing on improving health and livelihoods in complex environments and helping people lift themselves out of extreme poverty by ministering to the well-being of the whole person and providing humanitarian assistance.
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
Organisations / agencies covered
DFID to start, other donors later. Will over time cover all of our development work less the exclusions (thus we listed an estimated percentage of 75% for now).
Timeliness of Data
1 month
Frequency of publication
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
Organization data annually, activity data quarterly
Units of Aid
Activity data will be published at a later date, an activity will currently be defined as a project, but this is subject to change.
Segmentation of Published Data
Per project
Data Definitions and References
To be added later
Field Exclusions
To be determined
Record Exclusions
Policy currently drafted and awaiting finalization
We are publishing only organization data at this time, then activity data for DFID projects at a later date. We intend to publish information on donor-funded projects beyond DFID, but the exact timing is still to be determined.
Other Constraints
We are in the process of completing a merger, combining program data management and publication systems.
Data Quality
User Interface
User Interface Website