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Trinity Avenue, Off Mile 7 Road, Achimota, P.O. Box CT 4434, Cantonments, Accra – Ghana



WANEP adopts a two-pronged approach in programming: a national approach led by the national secretariat and a regional approach coordinatedfrom the regional secretariat. At national level, the national networks assume responsibility and ownership of their programme with technical support from the regional secretariat. WANEP principles emphasize ownership of peacebuilding practice. Given that the national networks understand their situation and realities , they are in a better position to engage their communities and government and intervene effectively. Our national networks facilitate a more bottom-up approach and allow their intervention to reflect the peculiarities of the issues of human security in their various countries. At regional level, it is acknowledged that factors that fuel conflicts and their escalation in our sub-region are no respecters of artificially-imposed boundaries. Our regional programmes cut across national networks and are designed to increase leverage in engaging diverse actors at regional and international level. Overall, WANEP's strategy is to locate, empower, support and accompany local actors as they respond to conflicts within their communities. These programs all functioning at the regional secretariat include: Youth and Peace Education (YPE); Capacity Building Program (CBP); Civil Society Coordination and Advocacy Program (CSPAP); Justice Lens Program (JLP); Women in Peacebuilding (WIPNET); Early Warning and Early Response (WARN); West Africa Peacebuilding Institute (WAPI); Research and Publications (RAP); Monitoring and Evaluation (M&R)

IATI identifier


Implementation Schedule

Organisations / agencies covered

WANEP works in all 15 member states of ECOWAS and therefore has national secretariats in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.

Timeliness of Data

Data is published immediately it is captured and quality controlled

Frequency of publication


Frequency of publication (extra comments)

Additional data is published after every review and reflection session which happens quarterly

Units of Aid

There are activities under the organisation's strategic programme cycle. However, there are a few projects which also feed into the strategic programme cycle

Segmentation of Published Data

IATI data is published generally for the regional strategic data collection point and the data is published under the organisation's current six strategic focus areas. Country data is then used to provide examples

Data Definitions and References

Field Exclusions


Record Exclusions

Any activity that is is not conflict sensitive is excluded


Quality control demands that all publishable data must be conflict sensitive, gender sensitive and must promote inclusivity, respect for the climate (climate change), accountability and transparency

Other Constraints


Data Quality


User Interface


User Interface Website