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Caroline Elliot Informal Economy International Programmes Officer Laia Blanch Sweatshops and Plantations International Programmes Officer





IATI identifier


Implementation Schedule


Organisations / agencies covered

War on Want's CSCF grants for KENASVIT and CODEMUH in Kenya and Honduras respectively. It covers 9.47% of War on Want's total income, namely all CSCF funding starting after 1 May 2012.

Timeliness of Data

One quarter in arrears.

Frequency of publication

Not specified

Frequency of publication (extra comments)


Units of Aid

An activity is defined as a CSCF funded project. Information will be published on these projects.

Segmentation of Published Data

Yes, it will be published separately for the two CSCF projects which are in two separate countries.

Data Definitions and References


Field Exclusions

All the minimum requirements are completed. Fields not included due to not currently being captured and a prohibitive cost are the annual forward planning budget data for agency, annual forward planning budget data for countries, other activity identifiers, the activity title and description in the recipient language, the sub-national geographic location, the DAC CRS Sector, the planned disbursements, the activity website and the results data. Fields that are not published as they are not relevant to the organisation are annual forward planning budget for funded institutions, the participating organisation (extending), the participating organisation (accountable), the policy makers, the collaboration type, the finance type, the tied aid status, financial transactions (reimbursement), financial transaction (loan repayment/interest repayment), related activity, conditions attached and the text of the conditions.

Record Exclusions

War on Want will only be publishing data on the two CSCF funded grants which started after 1 May 2011. Within these two grants the reasons for exclusion of any data will be on the basis of the following: When the data is a security risks For data protection reasons For child protection When the data is commercially sensitive On the basis of confidentiality When the documents are internal audits If there is a legal privilge or legal reason as to why the data cannot be published If it is a historic document preceding IATI implementation When it is not cost effective to produce the data If the data is deemed to be personal information.


There are no thresholds for publishing activities.

Other Constraints

War on Want is a small NGO and thus only currently has the capacity to report on the minimum requirements set by DFID.

Data Quality

For initial publication, the data will only be verified by programme staff in recipient countries and in the UK prior to publication. Periodically the data will be further verified through War on Want's annual audits. The data is subject to change following futher verification.

User Interface


User Interface Website
