Open data at WaterAid, 47-49 Durham Street, London, SE11 5JD, UK
WaterAid transforms lives by improving access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation in the world's poorest communities. We work with partners and influence decision-makers to maximise our impact. WaterAid enables the world's poorest people to gain access to safe water and sanitation. Together with improved hygiene, these basic human rights underpin health, education and livelihoods, forming the first essential step in overcoming poverty. We work with local partners, who understand local issues, and provide them with the skills and support to help communities set up and manage practical and sustainable projects that meet their real needs. We also work locally and internationally to change policy and practice and ensure that water, hygiene and sanitation's vital role in reducing poverty is recognised.
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
Organisations / agencies covered
WaterAid’s IATI data will cover 100% of WaterAid’s charitable activities. It will not include WaterAid Fundraising and Governance costs and activities meaning 77% of our total income will be reported. WaterAid has a PPA with DFID which is unrestricted funding supporting WaterAid’s overall strategy. Therefore in order to comply with the requirements of the PPA WaterAid is planning towards IATI implementation for all its charitable activities.
Timeliness of Data
Annual data will be available 6 months after the WaterAid financial year close (April). Quarterly data will be available one quarter after quarter close.
Frequency of publication
Not specified
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
Initially in August 2012 for 2010/11 data then on an annual basis in September for subsequent years. Additional data from April 2013 onwards will be on a quarterly basis.
Units of Aid
WaterAid follows a programmatic approach with the following hierarchical structure: • Organisation, • Region, • Country Programme, • Project. Initially data will be aggregated to the organisation and country level. From 2013/14; activity will also include project level activities.
Segmentation of Published Data
Initially WaterAid will provide one activity file with activities at organisation and country Level. Ultimately we are aiming to segment according to: • One activity file per country (23), or more where there are a large number of activities, • One activity file for non-specific country activities.
Data Definitions and References
Field Exclusions
See Implementation Schedule on WaterAid website.
Record Exclusions
For security or commercial reasons a small number of exclusions may apply in order not to harm WaterAid’s work or staff. These are based on the key principles of the UK’s Freedom of Information Act and are as follows: • International relations: Information that may harm WaterAid’s relations with other institutions or governments. • Security and safety: Information that may jeopardise our ability to function in a specific country or area, pose a risk to the security or safety of any individual, including WaterAid or partner staff/assets, contractors and beneficiaries. • Personal information: Information that intrudes on the privacy of a person or could contravene confidentiality. • Commercially sensitive information: Information that does harm to WaterAid’s or WaterAid’s partners or suppliers commercial interests. • Information that is exempt from disclosure under WaterAid’s policies or regulations: Where a donor has requested Anonymity or expressed privacy concerns. In addition the following data will be excluded: • WaterAid forms part of a federation which comprises 4 members currently WaterAid (i.e. WaterAid registered in England & Wales and Scotland), WaterAid America, WaterAid Sweden and WaterAid Australia. Only the information that is relevant to WaterAid will be published. • Non charitable expenditure
For Incoming funds WaterAid will only publish grants funding specific charitable activities that are above £50k and unrestricted grants above £1m. Transactions will be aggregated either annually or by quarter per activity.
Other Constraints
WaterAid will be conducting a more comprehensive mapping of internal data and processes to the IATI Standard through our Country pilots to determine our current ability to fully comply with the standard. This will inform our quarterly project level data that will be published from 2013 onwards. Initially the data will cover a sample of Country Programmes but by April 2014, information on all WaterAid Charitable activities will be published.
Data Quality
Data will be quality assured as part of the data capture process and WaterAid will not seek to differentiate between data published as unverified or verified. The data will go through an internal process of quality and statistical verification. This is likely to be manual initially, but will develop as systems evolve to enable digital approval processes and automated data publication.
User Interface
We have no plans currently to provide a user interface, however we are in the process of developing a new global website platform, and ultimately presentation of our IATI data in a user friendly format would be beneficial to enable us to share information with our stakeholders and audiences.
User Interface Website