Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. Friedrich – Ebert – Straße 1 53173 Bonn Germany
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (WHH) is one of the major privately-run German charitable organizations in the field of Development Work and Emergency Aid. Its function is primarily to contribute toward the improvement of the food and income levels for the poorest rural population in Africa, Asia and Latin America, in cooperation with local partner organizations. Through strategic fundraising as well as with public funding, Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. sponsors relevant help-for-self-help projects on site. In addition, it implements emergency aid measures in the area of food supply and rehabilitation. It makes statements of position on development policy issues and carries out strategic lobbying work at national and international levels.
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
not yet available
Organisations / agencies covered
WHH data eventually cover all national and international agencies funding our programs both in Germany as well as abroad. To start, WHH will cover projects related to DFID funding, ca. 1,5 %.
Timeliness of Data
WHH intends to step up reporting from semi-annually to quarterly to monthly reporting with two weeks delay as we progress. After we have implemented an automated interface to our database, we intend to report montly with a two weeks delay (TBC.)
Frequency of publication
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
comment under timelines of data
Units of Aid
programmes and projects; typically at project level
Segmentation of Published Data
not yet decided
Data Definitions and References
will eventually be published on
Field Exclusions
not yet decided
Record Exclusions
not yet decided
not yet decided
Other Constraints
not yet decided
Data Quality
Financial data are audited both on project level (internal / external auditors) as well as on overall organisational level (see annual reports / chartered accountant).
User Interface
not yet decided
User Interface Website