World Vision UK, Opal Drive, Fox Milne, Milton Keynes, MK15 0ZR, United Kingdom.
World Vision’s main objective is the sustained well-being of children within families and communities, especially the poorest and most vulnerable. We improve the lives of children through long-term development programmes and by providing relief and rehabilitation in response to humanitarian emergencies caused by conflict or natural disaster. Through advocacy and policy engagement we address the root causes of poverty, working with children and their communities as active participants in shaping a better future. World Vision is a Christian organisation and works with people regardless of their religion, race, ethnicity or gender to overcome global poverty and injustice.
IATI identifier
Implementation Schedule
Organisations / agencies covered
World Vision UK is taking a phased approach: 1) PPA (June 2012); 2) All Grant funded projects (April 2013); NB The WV Partnership is currently considering the approach it will be taking in relation to publishing privately funded projects and WVUK will update its implementation plan once the broader Partnership approach has been confirmed to reflect a possible third phase. In Phase 1, IATI data covers; 4.9% of World Vision UK's total budget and covers; a) PPA supported projects overseas; b) PPA funded UK activties
Timeliness of Data
Information will be published quarerly, one quarter in arrears.
Frequency of publication
Not specified
Frequency of publication (extra comments)
As projects are updated quarterly, new projects or project information will be included and updated quarterly.
Units of Aid
In Phase 1- an activity is defined as an overseas project or PPA supported cost centre in the UK (UK activities will be reported on in the block categories of a) programme management and salaries, b) consultancy and research, c) overheads). Data and progress will only be reported at the aggregated programme level (for PPA) and not at sub level or multi-tiered level. Single line items will not be reported against. Phase 2 activities will be defined at a later date.
Segmentation of Published Data
In Phase 1, data will be published segmented by country (including the UK) except for global projects (for the PPA these are currently 4). Segmentation for phase 2 will also be done by country/region although specific details to be confirmed later.
Data Definitions and References
Field Exclusions
Record Exclusions
No personably identifiable data will be included at either project or UK level. Projects will be reported at a minimum regional and country level. Sub national location information will only be included where there are no child protection or security concerns. Project level documentation will not be published. Project level expenditure will not be published as this reflects sub-activities of WVUK partners. In phase 1 where DFID funding is used as counterpart contibutions to a bigger project, only PPA contributions will be considered at this stage and not total budget/donors). WVUK will not disclose any information that may be confidential because of legal, commercial or contractual reasons or where premature disclosure would jeopardise any action WVUK is planning to take. Any information that may harm World Vision Operations either in the UK or overseas will also not be disclosed.
In terms of overseas spending, WVUK will report on all project budgets (commitments) and disbursements. There will be no threshold amounts. UK spending will be reflected in 3 groupings-a) programme management/salaries,b) consultancy and research in PPA thematic areas, c) organisational overheads (facility charge). Costs within these groupings will be aggregated and the total quarterly expenditure will be reflected. Single transactions will not be published.
Other Constraints
Data Quality
Data is unverified. During the process of implementation, data received is unverified. Verification will only be possible as part of formal evaluation processes and procedures.
User Interface
User Interface Website