Young Africa International - HUB 14 Wiltshire Road Greendale Harare +263 242 492855
Young Africa offers skills training in various technical, commercial and agricultural skills. Click here for a list of all our Training Courses. The nature of courses on offer is based on market demand and through on-going evaluation with our target group of young people aged 15-25. Course content is made up of over 70% practical training and 30% trade-related theory training. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is integrated with Life Skills and Entrepreneurship education. Where available, our courses are linked to government vocational training systems, or accredited by relevant local authorities. Each semester, students who pass their exams receive their certificates at festive graduation ceremonies. Our integrated TVET has evolved over the years and is now being delivered in three different models: centre-based, mobile outreach and industry-attached. At our six centres, young people participate in the integrated TVET training programme for periods ranging from 8 weeks to 12 months depending on the course and level. The 70% practical exposure is made possible by our unique Franchise Model whereby all courses are franchised to local entrepreneurs who pay rent for the use of YA facilities, equipment and brand name, while also training our students on-the-job. The curriculum is defined, and the quality of education controlled, by Young Africa staff. Life Skills education and Entrepreneurship training form a part of the curriculum. In response to the growing demand for TVET and employability programmes among disadvantaged young people in marginalised, remote and outlying areas, YA Zimbabwe has been implementing an outreach TVET programme where a mobile unit comprising equipment, trainers and training consumables moves from one remote site to the other delivering 12 week-long TVET programmes, fully integrated with entrepreneurship development and Life Skills education. After training, students undertake an attachment and, where necessary, YA offers post-training support such as linking graduates with micro-financing institution. Industry-attached training This new approach to delivering TVET was piloted by Young Africa Namibia in 2015 as a way to influence channelling of corporate social responsibility resources towards job-related skills training. Young Africa joins forces with leading local industries with interest in offering job-related skills training at their industrial sites. Through this model, small groups of up to six unemployed young people receive practical job-related skills training over a certain number of days per week at the industrial site for period of up to three months. During the three-month period, Young Africa joins in to offer Life Skills education and Entrepreneurship skills training to this group of students. Trainees do not pay for their training. All training costs are borne by the training company. The company pays Young Africa a fee for conducting Life Skills and Entrepreneurship training. Want to know more about our unique method? YA HUB offers various training packages in youth work, life skills education, entrepreneurship, organisation sustainability and more. Training can be facilitated in-house, at the Young Africa HUB in Harare, Zimbabwe, or at your specific location. Browse the list of YA HUB Services here.
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