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Republic of Yemen - Sana'a - Abu Dhabi Street



The Yemeni Observatory for Rights and Sustainable Development - an independent civil institution. Under the cheap (2012 / M / 4)  The scope of the work of the Observatory is the Republic of Yemen. It shall be based in the city of Sana'a and may establish branches and appoint representatives thereof in any governorate or abroad according to the rules in force in that country. Article (3) The Observatory aims to contribute to the promotion of human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, and to encourage their respect and protection. In particular, human development in all sectors is the objective that the Observatory has found to achieve: 1. Defending legality and constitutional and legal legitimacy. 2. Defending the independence of the judiciary and the legal profession. Monitor human rights developments and violations at the national and international levels. 4. Public and official public opinion has drawn attention to legislative and institutional gaps and shortcomings related to human rights. 5. Promote sustainable development. 6. Creating opportunities for productive development for vulnerable and poor groups. 7. Creating a developmental balance based on work for food. 8. Provide the means and means for agricultural development and reclamation of agricultural land. 9. Educating unemployed youth about the importance of reverse migration from the city to the countryside, working in agriculture and reclaiming agricultural land. 10. Create new jobs for the poorest. 11. Develop craft skills and create productive projects for young people. 12. Develop rural literacy skills literally and productively and create new job opportunities 13. Work to find factories, factories and mechanisms to create new jobs and rehabilitate men and women to help them produce. 14. Work for the recovery and rehabilitation of displaced persons from conflict areas in Yemen and the creation of new jobs and their reintegration into productive communities. 15. Contribute to the provision of legal support for and defense of human rights, in particular, collective rights and rights related to the general interest of society in the following spheres: political, economic, social and cultural. 16. Assistance and work to provide relief assistance and shelter it to those affected by conflicts and disasters 17. To raise awareness of the need for the rule of law, principles of fair trial and full respect for the independence of the judiciary 18- Paying attention to children and mothers and spreading the awareness of their rights to the community. 19. Raising the level of girls scientifically and integrating them into productive facilities

IATI identifier


Implementation Schedule


Organisations / agencies covered

80% 1. The United Nations (UNDP) 2- European Union 3- OCHA

Timeliness of Data


Frequency of publication


Frequency of publication (extra comments)


Units of Aid

Yes we are working now 1- Humanitarian relief for the displaced 2- Economic development of the displaced and their reintegration into societies 3. Economic empowerment of rural women and displaced women 4. Agriculture development and reverse migration of young people (from the city to the countryside) 5. Vocational rehabilitation of displaced persons and reduction of immigration to Europe

Segmentation of Published Data


Data Definitions and References


Field Exclusions

1- General budgets of each country 2- Percentage of civil society organizations in the country 3 - Detecting government corruption papers by distributing quotas and making fake organizations 4. Direct cooperation between donor organizations and local civil society organizations

Record Exclusions

We in Yemen do not have justice by distributing quotas among local organizations For example, OCHA signed a partnership agreement with the Office of the National Humanitarian Affairs Authority in Yemen Which shuts down fictitious organizations that operate and receive financial resources


All our data is not published We are looking for financial independence and transparency in distribution

Other Constraints

I can not answer We are in a country that rules the military It is advisable to remain silent

Data Quality


User Interface

Yes, but the organization's website is closed for security reasons Will be back after maintenance

User Interface Website